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Archive for October 18, 2009


Shakyamuni Buddha


Alive Dharma teaching, Oct 18, 2009

“All phenomena arise from circumstances .

Because good circumstances can arise from good intention,

Whatever we pray for will appear.”

Shakyamuni Buddha , enlightened Teacher of gods and men


1.1.Dear worldwide friends of Buddha Dharma, please accept this Visual Dharma for auspiciousness – Verses of prayer to Eight noble auspicious ones by venerable Mipham Rinpoche. Her Eminence Tara Tulku Rinpoche wrote for her birthday (Oct 17) simple and natural Dharma in Atiyoga*Dzogpa chenpo essence lineage and allowed us to publish it, for the benefit and enlightenment of all beings. May all your days and nights in the following week be full of peace, natural Sound*light of our innate Buddha nature , happiness , joy, wisdom and compassion. Don´t hesitate to ask questions about the Dharma, spirituality, wholesome medicine and all related to our seven generaly beneficial projects (see description on www.youtube.com/OpenBuddhistForum and www.MySpace.com/BuddhaDharma_OBFI).

II.International Institute for Contemporary Buddhist Studies :

2.1. Gentle Rain of Nectar Blessings Vol. V

Precious Jewel of Enlightenment

Homage to Shakyamuni Buddha , our enlightened Guide in this degenerate age of Kali yuga

All phenomena arise from circumstances , is the Dharma/Truth that Shakyamuni Buddha proclaimed with Lion´s roar . Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa ,            one of the Lineage masters of Nyingma Vajrayana Buddhism also said : “If the intention is good, the path and result will also be good.” What is good intention and what is bad intention ? To know this difference is part of the wisdom of discernment or prajna (Tib. Sherab). Prajna is connected with inborn conscience of human being. Almost all religions and spiritual paths teach about the importance of conscience. Those who teach that good and bad intentions are the same, are nihilists and are not showing the path of Enlightenment. They lack mental training and prajna or wisdom of discernment which is the sixth paramita/perfection. Without prajna there is also no true compassion, only intellectual or book compassion.

In Atiyoga*Dzogpa chenpo essence lineage we teach about the Base , Path and the Fruit. The Base is our innate Buddha nature, Dharmakaya Samantabhadra*Samantabhadri within , primordialy pure and continuously present as Sound*Light of Dharmata… Unimpreded continuity… Upon direct introduction to our primordialy pure Base there is training on the Path, leading to Result of complete and perfect realisation of Dharmakaya Buddha Samantabhadri*Samantabhadra. Correct training on the Path is described in Heart advice of Guru padmasambhava : Descend with the View, ascend with the Conduct.” To ascend with the conduct means to become life-long vegetarian, saving lives of sentient beings. It also means to accumulate merit by practicing ten dharmic/enlightened activities (see description on the channel). It also means to nurture good intentions and to pray . Some think that prayers are not important in Dzogchen. Prayers are very important also in Dzogchen, like the Wish-granting prayer of Samantabhadra , Sampa Nyur Drupma, Verses of Prayer to Eight noble auspicious ones etc..

Here we pray and also make prostrations. Some think that Dzogchenpas (Dzogchen practitioners) don´t need to prostrate. Prostrations to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of ten directions and three times and  to Dharma guardians, invoked in the Prayer to Eight noble auspicious ones are important to accomplish the Fruit of enlightenment.  Good intentions and prayers “create” Pure lands of the Buddhas as the Result. “Whatever we pray for will appear,” said Shakyamuni Buddha. This is great encouragement  for everyone  – we must have deep faith in the words of Enlightened One who is the Teacher of gods and men.


(Mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha – recite 7 , 21 or 108 times)


(Mantra of His emanation Guru Padmasambhava, the Lotus-born Guru)


(sacred seed syllables of enlightened Body, Speech, Mind, Qualities and Activities)

Wish-fulfilling Gem of dedication according to Guru Padmasambhava:

“With unsurpassable offering-clouds of Samantabhadra

Actually present and mentaly created,

Vastly and fully displayed within pure space,

We present you, Guru Rinpoche ,

With an ocean of outer, inner and secret offerings.”

Related Visual Dharmas :

*Prayer for the deliverance from the dangerous Pathway of the bardo – from Bardo Thödol cycle of paryers and sadhanas

**Wish-granting paryer of Samantabhadra , Kunzang Gongpa Zhangtal ; part 1 & 2; from the Northern treasures of terma teaching discovered by Rigdzin Gödem Chan

***Verses of Prayer to Eight Noble auspicious Ones, pure vision prayer by Mipham Rinpoche

****Sampa Nyur Drupma by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa and from Khandro Nyingthig liturgy

Notes :

*Importance of the recitation of Vajra Guru mantra , sent as a comment to Alive Dharma teaching -Presence of Guru Rinpoche, published at www.buddhadharmaobfinternational.wordpress.com Heritage of mankind; by www.gurupadmasambhava.org, Sikkhim, India :

The Vajra Guru Mantra is the mantra associated with Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava.Guru Rinpoche himself has said, “In the future, such times will befall sentient beings and both in a temporary and in a long term sense, the benefits of the Vajra Guru mantra can be definitely  felt.Since my spiritual instructions and the methods of practice that I offer are immeasurable, I have hidden a great number of treasure teachings in the water, rocks, the sky and so forth. In these evil times, even individuals with fortunate karma will find it difficult to encounter these teachings. It will be difficult to bring together the necessary circumstances for these teachings to be revealed. This is a sign that the collective merit of beings is on the wane.
However, at such times, if this essence mantra, the
Vajra Guru mantra, is repeated as much as possible, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a million, ten million, a hundred million times and so forth, if it is repeated in holy places, in temples, next to great rivers, in areas where gods and demons abound, if it is recited in these places by tantric practitioners with pure samaya, by people with monastic ordination who maintain their vows purely, by men and women who possess faith in the teachings, if they give rise to bodhicitta on a grand scale and recite this mantra, then the benefits and advantages and energy of such practice are truly inconceivable.” 100 millions of Vajra Guru mantras – practiced from Sept 22 – Oct 4, 2009 ; India and around the world .”

„The best of all gifts is the Gift of Truth

D h a m m a p a d a

Gentle Rain of Nectar Blessings

Collected works : Sung-bum

Copyright notice :

All rights reserved. Written permission to copy Dharma Texts  of Her Eminence Tara Tulku Drimed Drolkhar Rinpoche -who is continuing the teachings of Ayu Khandro Dorje Paldron (Tibet 1839-1953) in the Atiyoga essence lineage of Nyingma Vajrayana Buddhism-  can be granted, provided that reprint is for free distribution (serving the Teachings of Buddhas) and that such reprints are not sold as merchandise. The Author´s copyright notice must appear, along with the title of the Dharma Text or publication and related data. Notice must be given, that reprint is by permission of the Author. For written permission to  reprint write to the Vajra-Garuda e-Publications .     BuddhaDharma.OBFInternational@gmail.com You will also be asked to send 1 copy of the reprinted Dharma text or publication. May all beings benefit !

III.Wisdom Without Borders

Dear Buddha Dharma friends , thank you for your many comments on Visual Dharmas , channel comments and received post. From time to time we publish selected comments . OM MANI PADME HUM

Mozimmermann Brasil

Good weekend friend!
Good friends are always of especially in our thoughts. They are part of our day to day even if not present.
Kisses  , Morena


Beautiful Channel
Greets from
___♫♥____Love____ ♥
 Happiness_ ♥♫


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the invite!
I deeply appreciate it. I love your channel greatly. More power to you!
God bless! 🙂 love
 fm the Philippines,  atty. vivavoce83

TheBuddhaTv Germany

I did Vajrayana meditation yesterday and thought of you so I stopped by now to ask which way you practise in buddhism.Please post me a comment. May you be happy, May you be free from suffering.

Answer : We mostly practice in Nyingma Vajrayana Buddhist lineages, but also teach almost all Buddhist traditions in unbiased way : 43 Visual Dharmas – Buddhist teachings for 3rd millenium are Dharmas without obscurations of race, nationality , social position….

shoshenkis Canada

Glory to the Buddha Shakyamuni and the Bodhisattva

pinkgal109 Visionary art , Australia


thank you for the great message and beautiful video,love and peace to you 🙂


HALLO!!!!!! WONDERFUL VIDEOS*************

WITH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
MONICA PANET  ***************MONI**********

liangcen Indonesia

thank you

for all beautiful vision, that you’ve already told, but i still have some problem about watch all these clearly, because i cannot take it from you tube. so if you have another sites that i can get all of this easily, i’ll thanked you so much. from your admirer. cen.

Answer : use Mozilla 3.05 and install add on- downloader from Mozilla Firefox. Mangala Konchok Norbu

JuanLorenZerimar , USA


Thank you! Peace!

meishivom Canada

Re: WORLD PEACE & GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS Alive Dharma teaching, Oct 11, 2009

You have my support. Thanks all and have a nice weekend and week ahead. :))


Re:WORLD PEACE & GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS Alive Dharma teaching, Oct 11, 2009


Nobel Peace Prize Winners – (2009)

The Nobel Peace Prize is one of five Nobel Prizes bequeathed by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel. According to Nobel’s will, the Peace Prize should be awarded “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for…

pinkgal109 Australia


Thank you so much for the lovely message and wonderfull video,very beautiful ***** 🙂

sacredartsroe Hungary

Re: WORLD PEACE & GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS Alive Dharma teaching, Oct 11, 2009

many thanks !!!!! Om Mani Padme Hum
Eva ❤ ❤ ❤

JuanLorenZerimar California

Re: WORLD PEACE & GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS Alive Dharma teaching, Oct 11, 2009

Peace and love!

vivavoce83 Philiphines

Dear Buddha Dharma,
I really love your channel and enjoy visiting it after a hard day’s work.
It really helps me a lot especially with all those soothing sacred chants and prayers.I was hoping if you could help me pinpoint a video evoking innate peace. That’s what I’m really looking for.
Thank you. More power to you.

Answer : dear Lynne, Thank you for inspiring words. All our 43 Visual Dharmas (videos) are created out of inner peace. They are empowered with Sound*Light and are therefore sacred Buddhist teachings eble to invoke inner peace in the viewer. Some viewers have specific connections with Visual  Dharmas. One must also learn to look these Videos in meditative * contemplative ways. One can even practice short purification breathing to relax first. Deeply inhale and slowly exhale three , seven or nine times. Sit in relaxed position without any tensions, keep your spine streight. Some Visual Dharmas have texts from sadhanas (meditation instructions) which one can read aloud. One can also chant mantras while viewing. One can recite prayer while viewing Visual Dharmas. For beginning meditators we recommend these Visual  Dharmas : Avalokiteshavara Buddha of compassion, Amitabha Buddha of infinite light, Medicine Buddha Blessings, 100-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva and other prayers described in these teachings. They are like wholesome medicine : it must be taken regularly to experience mental peace and blessings coming from them.

On 02/09/2009, at 5:29 PM, Buddha Dharma wrote to Namgyalgar, Australia

Dear Vajra brothers and sisters,
we got the news that there is fire around Namgyalgar. If these is so, we pray that all be well with you and that nothing is destroyed.
Buddha Dharma
venerable Mangala Konchok Norbu, His Eminence Sagar Rinpoche, Shifu John Chow , H.E. Tara Tulku Drimed Drolkhar

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 4:26 AM, Jean Mackintosh –Namgyalgar, wrote:Dear Esteemed and Valued friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts for Namgyalgar. The danger has now passed and the fire and smoke have gone down. Nothing was destroyed and we are all safe as are our buildings. The danger last week was very real but the Rural Fire Service and all the practice and prayers from our friends near and far has worked to restore peace and tranquility.
Yours in the Dharma
Best wishes , Jean Mackintosh
IV. Colophon :BUDDHA DHARMA – OBF INTERNATIONAL Generaly beneficial religious org. since 1995 registered in Slovenia, EU. www.youtube.com/OpenBuddhistForum

www.MySpace.com/BuddhaDharma_OBFI blog, Dharma art photo


Heritage of mankind – Treasure of pure Dharma , links to Wikipedia and related photos

Serving, upholding and protecting the teachings of Buddhas by promoting ten enlightened activities as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni and His emanation Buddha Padmasambhava; promoting Millenium goals of United nations : Universal education ,Gender equality and empowerment of women www.un.org.milleniumgoals

Her Eminence Lama Tara Tulku Drimed Drolkhar Rinpoche- Nyingma Vajrayana Atiyoga Ling, EU

His Eminence Lama Karma Gyan Sagar Rinpoche, Association for non-violence, world peace, wheel, Buddhist religion in Nepal

(monastery, Buddhist school for orphan children, peace pagoda, Dechen Ling gompa, three-year meditation retreat)*****

Shifu John Chow : Martial arts, Healing, Australia

Venerable Mangala Konchok Norbu, Dharma art director, Buddha Dharma, European Union

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