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Archive for May, 2019


ༀམཎིཔདྨེཧཱུྃ❤FREEDOM & ENDOWMENT❤

Arya Tara Heart mantra

                      197 alive Dharma teachings at the HERITAGE OF MANKIND



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Welcome to our monthly publishing at the Heritage of mankind.

Why you will learn why Freedom & endowment is so important for your personal growth and liberation from samsara .

  1. International institute for contemporary Buddhist studies :

  2. Freedom & Endowment

    • Longchen Nyingthig is one of the most widely known preliminary practice (Tib.Ngondro)  in Nyingma Vajrayana Buddhism . Its guiding us through the six realms of cyclic existence  (Skt. Samsara) always pointing out the necessity for freedom and endowment . We have been reborn with precious human body  : to successfully practice Buddhist path  of liberation we definitely need freedom and endowment .

We have facebook group Noble Arya Tara Sangha  with more than 4800 members from around the world .





Arya Tara is wisdom deity of liberation . And liberation is closely related  with freedom and endowment .  Endowment means that we have good intelligence  (Skt. Prajna)  to understand our own karma  = cause, conditions and effects. Buddhist practitioners must  understand the spiritual path in psychological ways, not philosophycal or intellectual ways . As it is said : Knowledge is power . And applied Knowledge is liberation .  In Atiyoga Dzogchen we practice self-liberation  : relaxing in our Buddha nature with natural Sound of Dharmata (Tib. Chonyid kyi rangdra) .  We also practice Vajrayana methods of transformation  into Wisdom Deity (Tib. Yidam)  and four activities in the Mandala : enriching, magnetizing, pacifying and subduing.

  • Freedom and liberation according to contemporary psychological research :

We often observe typical mistakes that Buddhist practitioners are doing in their daily lives :

They are people pleasers : always nice to everyone , not showing strength and determination when situation requires it ; they allow that others threat them like trash, they allow that others exploit them in many different ways etc . Obviously such practitioners lack subduing activities in the mandala . If everyone is so nice on this plante . when then we need police and special  forces ?! Nowadays people jump into Mahayana Buddhist path and completely miss the point . One can not successfully practice Mahayana Buddhism or Greater vehicle without understanding Hinayana or Lesser vehicle !  It starts with you , not with all sentient beings as it is said in the Mahayana Buddhism .  If you don*t understand yourself, how can you manifest personal growth ?!  Such people become co-dependent ; they always depend on others and are far away from freedom and endowments .

There is excellent movie called »Straigth from the heart » with actors Teri Polo and Andrew Mccarthy .

This movie amazingly portrays the situation :


Rancher Tyler Ross  says to New York photographer : »You don*t know who you are , so you need other people to validate your dreams !«# ….

Wrong- styled Mahayana practitioners connect to toxic people and try to save them ! meat eaters are in general toxic people : they poison themselves with corpses of murdered animals  (i.e. meat) . Therefore they have a lot of explosive or implosive anger  like anger junkies. Again we refer here to excellent commedy: Anger management  with actor Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler :


Its said in the holy scriptures of Buddhism that heavenly beings avoid meat eaters like a plague !

  • Judith Orloff is well know author of such important works like Emotional freedom .


About Emotional Freedom

NY Times bestselling author Judith Orloff MD presents new solutions for dealing with emotions in our hyper-tense world. She invites you to take a remarkable journey, one that leads to happiness, serenity and a mastery over negativity that pervades daily life. You possess the ability to liberate yourself from worry, anger and fear. True emotional freedom is closer than you think.


 Its teaching people  how to stay away from energy vampires and how to set healthy boundaries with them . dr. Orloff named four types of energy vampires : psychopats/sociopaths, drama queen/drama king , chronic complainers , constant talkers … In this sense we can see that tv speakers are actually energy vampires = constant talkers ! Anyone who wish to maintain inner peace and attain freedom and endowment must stay away from toxicx people .

      You must develop self-appreciation , self-worth (because you have enlighetned Buddha nature) , self-respect and dignity . Repeat this aloud every day, so that you hear yourself clearly, as positive affirmation . Write it down , so that you see it as reminder in your daily life . You must overcome your fear and strengthen your eneryg .

  • Buddha Dharma contribution to freedom and endowment .

In our NGO we developed eight programmes that are supporting freedom and endowment of everyone who apply these principles in daily life . Below is a concise description of our eight programmes , taken from power point presentation for professional network LinkedIn .

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“The best of all gifts is the gift of truth .” Dhammapada

At our youtube channel we have 64 Visual Dharmas – 

contemporary way of teaching Buddhist Dharma in 21st Century . Buddha Dharma 3 picmix

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  1. Buddhist spiritual / religious activities : prayers and meditations since 1988…


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2. International Institute for contemporary Buddhist studies :

Universal education 

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3. Wisdom without borders : Ars sacra / contemplative Art 

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4. Humanitarian activities 

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5. Wellness & Holistic medicine 

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6. Human rights and gender equality 

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7. Interfaith dialogues 

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8. Ecology and Sustainable development 

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Follow our four pages on facebook …

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