✿ღ BUDDHA DHARMA-OBFI Authentic Buddhist Dharma

Archive for October 11, 2009


HERITAGE OF MANKIND : World peace and global human rights


Alive Dharma teaching, Oct. 11, 2009

„All phenomena arise from circumstances.

Because good circumstances can arise through good intention,

Whatever we pray for will appear.”

Buddha Shakyamuni

Dear Friends of Buddha Dharma worldwide :

Together we pray for inner and outer peace on the planet ,

For Enlightenment of all sentient beings.



Heartfelt congratulations to US President BARACK OBAMA, Friend of Buddha Dharma on youtube, for Nobel Peace Prize award. We all rejoice, because you deserve the award ***** In received mail to all supporters – A CALL TO ACTION – it is said :

“Tara Tulku —
This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I’d been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize — men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.
But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it’s also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.
That is why I’ve said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won’t all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it’s recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.
This award — and the call to action that comes with it — does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better.
So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we’ve begun together. I’m grateful that you’ve stood with me thus far, and I’m honored to continue our vital work in the years to come.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama

Our comment for CNN
BARACK OBAMA completely deserves Nobel Peace Prize 2009 *****
Americans must help him to accomplish all noble projects soon.
Don´t be so sceptical – say to yourself :Yes,we also can !
Also help to free Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma.
BUDDHA DHARMA – OBF International“

We also wrote our hopes / wishes for world peace and improvement of human rights in Burma and Tibet at Care2ActionAlert.

All who care for achievement of world peace – act now and share your hopes for peace *****


Congratulate Obama on His
Nobel Prize — and Share
Your Hopes for Peace!

Forward to friends >>

Hi Lama Tara Tulku,

The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize committee has awarded President Obama with this year’s honor, citing his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” exemplified in his April 5 speech in which he called for a world without nuclear weapons.

Congratulate Obama on receiving this honor >>

He has many opportunities to be a peace advocate today, as his Administration considers:

  • the course of the wars in Central Asia and Iraq,

  • how diplomacy can resolve tensions with Iran and North Korea through dialogue better than violence,

  • a federal budget that devotes too much money to weapons and too little for families struggling to get by in this economic crisis, and

  • how to create the nuclear-free future that Obama has strongly articulated.

Today is a golden opportunity to show that a pro-peace majority supports the President’s first steps toward peace and will help him take the next steps as well. Congratulate Barack Obama and share with him your vision of how we can all help wage peace >>

Thank you,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFQcN/zJvY/bICoP

2.1.Live history : Two years of OPEN BUDDHIST FORUM INTERNATIONAL  channel of youtube , October 2009

Thank you for all who visit our channel with 43 Visual Dharmas – Buddhist teachings for 3rd millenium, to all who write channel comments, Visual Dharma comments, who embed, rate, share and favour them. Google search gives 25.300 entries for OpenBuddhistForum and with your precious help Visual Dharma (Truth) is spreading throughout the world like the Gentle rain of nectar blessings, bringing positive energy to every site where Visual Dharmas appear. Please, continue to embed, rate, share these sacred Truth of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas . All who make right effort in that noble direction, are part of the Heritage of mankind. Youtube statistics show more than 358.000 Visual Dharma views and more than 13.600 channel views.  May peace, wisdom and compassion prevail on this planet. Together we pray and meditate for the fulfillment of all noble wishes.

II.HUMAN RIGHTS: Visual Dharma-Burma- Urgent appeal to all

2.1.Human rights are closely connected with world peace : Human rights as stated in the Universal declaration of the United nations. We all know that UN need to be reformed, esp. its Security council . Without reform of the Security council there will be no improvement of human rights in Tibet and Burma. This is the fact in today´s globalised world. And we strongly encourage US President Obama to go on with his noble attempts to make all nations aware why its important to make UN more alive, more responsible and wise. Not only in words, but also in noble actions ! Two years ago we witnessed UN inability to stop imprisonment of Buddhists in Burma, during and after peaceful demonstrations. More than 220 Buddhists (monastics and non-monastics) are still imprisoned in Burma ! Please, act now and sign the petitions connected with Burma , to free Aung San Suu Kyi , who also obtained Peace Prize Award. And to free many imprisoned Buddhists in Burma and Tibet. We all pray for them!   Here is the invitation for everyone :

Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the online petition:
“Free Saffron Monks”
hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition
service, at:
I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too.  If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.
Best wishes,

Text from the petition site :

“To:  Goverments of the World , United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights Geneva, UN Security Council, Asean, FREE BURMA PROJECT
Free The Saffron Monks & Nuns From Prison.
Please lend your support for the release of Burma’s 220 monks and nuns who remain prisoners of conscience for participating in the peaceful demonstrations of September 2007. The “Saffron Revolution” drew tens of thousands of monks and nuns on to the streets. They chanted the
Metta Sutta (loving-kindness), for the well being and merit of all living beings. Monks and nuns implored the SPDC government to act with compassion towards the people suffering under economic hardship and to apologize and reform their actions taken against the monks and the religion. In response, the regime unleashed a violent and unprecedented attack against the demonstrators that continued off the streets and into the monastery grounds.
For a month, the military continued to round up protestors who had participated, raiding 52 monasteries, often at night. Monks were beaten, killed and many more carted off to prison with no regard to their age or standing. Revered abbots in their 80’s and 90’s and novices as young as five were disrobed and placed into detention centers.
By some estimates, as many as 1,400 Sanghas were rounded up without respect to the procedures of Burmese or International law. Sanghas endured beatings, interrogations, and torture. Many of them disappeared– sent away to distant prisons where their families and monastic companions lost track of them. Official statistics on the number of monks and nuns who were killed in the uprisings will never be known.
Crematoriums were put into 24-hour operation in the days following the crackdown to burn the bodies of those who were killed on the streets and inside the Monasteries. Unconfirmed reports assert that in order to keep the Sanghas from reaching the hospitals where they could be seen and counted, injured monks and nuns were taken to the crematoriums to be cremated alive.
Awareness and condemnation are vital tools of accountability that we in the International community can take to exert pressure on the regime to free the remaining Saffron Revolution monks and nuns still in prison under conditions that are a form of torture. Please give your support and solidarity to them and to the Burmese people.
Sign our petition to free Burma’s Saffron Monks, Nuns, Political Prisoners today! freeburmaproject@gmail.com
The Undersigned

III.International Institute for Contemporary Buddhist Studies

3.1. Questions and answers

a) Dear venerable Sir , thank you so much for your lovely response on my questions . Its are important to understand the whole world of Samsara with six realms of existence . I’m so happy to read a great story of ( My lap is your perch ) . But i don’t understand the meaning of the word Amitabha , please explain it to me. Thank you .
Please enjoy my question , thank you .
Angels , gods,  demons ,  hungry ghosts ,  hell beings are beings that we can not see , but they  exist in their realms . In each realm , there is a king that govern them forever .
Q.104 – As they are invisible beings , how can we meet them ?
May peace and happiness be upon you always !

Answer: Amitabha is the Buddha of the Pure land in the West, which is named in Sanskrit : Sukhavati, Tibetan : Dewa Chen. Amitabha is the Buddha of Infinite light and has special connection with human beings. When Buddha Amitabha was the Bodhisattva (still practicing the Buddha´s Path toward complete Enlightenmnet) He made special vows to deliver every being who remembers His name (Amitabha), to be reborn in His Pure land . This means that every being who is reborn in Amitabha´s Pure land is liberated from samsara. There are many millions of Pure land Buddhists , esp. in China and Japan, but also on other continents. They are mostly vegetarians ! Nice that you like the story : My lap is your pearch. It is very creative….See also related Visual Dharma: Amitabha Buddha of Infinite Light.

I little bit corrected your question, making it more clear : gods, demi gods, hungry ghosts, hell beings are all invisible beings . Every realm has Buddha who teaches in that realm. Shakyamuni Buddha and his emanation Guru Padmasambhava are teaching in  human realm. There is no need to want to see invisible beings. Shamanistic traditions are related with making connections with these invisible beings. We Buddhists remember all sentient beings in samsara, praying for enlightenmnet of every being.

b)Dear venerable Sir , please enjoy my question , thank you .
 is true that we can not meet invisible beings . According to Buddhism , we can see them from mediations and after our lives . All of the realms of life are depicted between the jaws , or in the arms of a monstrous yamaraja ( king of the death ) .The king of the death judges all invisible beings and all living beings.
Q.105 – In the Samsara , there are six realms of existence . Are there also six kings of the death ?
May peace and happiness be upon you always !

Answer:One Yamaraja or the king of death holds samsara or cyclic existence in his arms and jaws. In the center of the wheel of samsara are three poisons , namely : ignorance, attachment and aggression, symbolised by three animals. Research which mental poison  is connected with which animal . When a being releases grasping, symbolised by Yamaraja, samsara also collapses. Related Dharma teaching is : Parting from four attachments (published at our blogs some time ago). Take a close look.

c)Dear venerable Sir , thank you so much for your best gift of Dharma. I appreciate it so much  and I continue to read it. When i have any doubt , i note it as some questions to ask you every week end .
Please enjoy my question , thank you .
You wrote that, ( Human being with a lot of ignorance will be reborn as an animal. Human being with ignorance + stinginess will be reborn as hungry ghost. Human being with ignorance+stinginess+aggression will be reborn in the hell realms ) .
A lot of human beings go to hell where they will undergo all suffering caused by their bad actions, bad speech , and bad
 minds .
Q.106 – When human beings go into the hell , will they stay there forever or just to serve their sentences , and will return also as human beings ?
May peace and happiness be upon you always !

Answer : Sufferings in hell realms, both heat and cold hell ream, are intense. They are described in the Dharma book by ven. Patrul Rinpoche : Kunzang Lamai Zhalung – translated as: Words of my perfect Teacher. Human being which commints crime with killing , has a lot of aggression and this mental imprint (aggression, anger) remains as his last thought when he dies, will be reborn in the hell realm. Beings reborn in hell stay there very long time, but not forever. Some Buddhist masters practice Bardo deliverance ceremony, to liberate beings from samsara. Some masters perform Phowa – transference of conciousness of the deceised to the Pure land of Buddha Amitabha.  In Shitro practice we  make name burning, which helps the deceised . Spiritual help for dying is very important part of Buddhist practice.

d)Dear friend,
Do Lien Shen Rinpoche have a personal e-mail address ?
Since 1996 I practise “yoga” padmasana formation, without a teacher, without mantra.I feel “inner energy” in my body.
I often feel sensation such as like snow comes on my head.
It’s cool…….Keep me healthy too.
Maybe YOU have one that I can make a consultation with ?
Can a TAOISM MAN be baptized as Satyabudhagama Buddhisme too ?
Regards,   H.S.

*this question was received through email.

Answer: One can follow Grand master Lu`s teachings also on internet or through web cam almost every Saturday. There are many meditative experiences on the Path of Taoism as well as Buddhism. In China many practitioners successfully connect Buddhism  with Taoist methods of cultivation. Yoga practice should make one healthy ,as you said,  not sick . Inner energy is connected with opening of  energy channels and chakras. We always recommend vegetarian diet, no alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other poisons. Yoga is the way of purification of one´s energy. All authentic spiritual traditions agree on that. We also recommend Buddhist Chi Kung Energy workout as a daily practice. Being baptised into Buddhist path means to receive Refuge in the three Jewels (Buddha-Dharma-Sangha) and later to Three Roots (Guru-Dewa-Dakini). First Refuge introduces  you to Mahayana Buddhist path, second Refuge to three Roots to Vajrayana Buddhist path- it has inner meaning , connected with meditational deities sadhanas, working with inner energy, channels and essences . See our Visual Dharmas for more explanation (in descriptions) about Vajrayana Buddhist path, esp. Vajrasattva 100-syllable mantra.. Having successful Taoist base of spiritual development you can surely become advanced Vajrayana practitioner in this life. Wish you all the best . OM MANI PADME HUM

IV. Colophon BUDDHA DHARMA – OBF International– serving , upholding and protecting the Teachings of Buddhas by performing ten Dharmic Activities ; promoting millenium goals of United nations : universal education, gender equality and empowerment of women.

His Eminence Lama Karma Gyan Sagar Rinpoche, World peace envoy, Association for non-violence, world peace, wheel – Buddhist religion in Nepal;Venerable Mangala Konchok Norbu, Buddha Dharma,EU.

Shifu John Chow, Martial arts, healing, spirituality; Australia.

H.E. Lama Tara Tulku Drimed Drolkhar Rinpoche, Nyingma Vajrayana Atiyoga Ling, European Union .

BUDDHA DHARMA is generaly beneficial religious organisation, since 1995 registered in Slovenia, European Union. Residents of Republic Slovenia can donate 0,5 % of their yearly income (Slov. dohodnina) to our generally beneficial projects (Slov. E-davki). Your donations are tax deductible.


www.YouTube.com/OpenBuddhistForum www.myspace.com/BuddhaDharma_OBFI


Heritage of mankind – Treasure of pure Dharma

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