✿ღ BUDDHA DHARMA-OBFI Authentic Buddhist Dharma


Alive Dharma teaching, Sept 12,2010

I. ✿♥✿♥ Introduction : Homage to Medicine Buddhas ! Dear worldwide Friends  of Buddha Dharma : heartfelt greetings from 12th Atiyoga meditation retreat . May this Dharma find you healthy, peaceful,prosperious.Now we focus on Medicine Buddha Blessings- increase your positive energy by honour it,favour,rate,like it,comment & embed it for world peace.

Improve the quality of your life & spiritual progress by regularly using our Wellness products,described here,  thus also supporting Buddhist school in Nepal.


2.1. ATIYOGA*DZOGCHEN 12th retreat begins at the Dragon island / Adriatic sea : 8-17 September 2010. BUDDHA DHARMA-OBF International :
“On this retreat we will focus our awareness on relaxing in Primordial state and develop experiences of non-dual contemplations of Sound*Light of Dharmata/Ultimate nature.”
Meditations in natural environments at the sea side and on archeological sites. Wholesome Medicine programme.OM VAJRASATTVA HUM ✿♥✿♥


Homage to Buddha Padmasambhava * Visual Dharma 85 (2007) is published to benefit all beings…

2.2. Buddhist calendar 8th lunar month , Metal Tiger year

Subscribe to  our public calendar on Google.


Namo Bhaisaya Guru Vaidurya Prabhasa  – Homage to Medicine Buddhas :

The best Healing for the body, energy and mind

“Improve the quality of your life, spiritual progress, mental and physical health. Improve your relationships with others  and on working place. Bring more peace, awareness, wisdom , goodness and joy into your life by regular use of our Wellness products of Wholesome medicine.”

1. Cosmetics : 1.1 Lotus-light crème (60 ml)  with coenzyme Q10, vit. E and with two concentrated powders of medicinal herbs (Centella asiatica, Aloe Barbadensis). Lotus-light crème actively rejuvenates the skin; great help by all dermatological  problems. Regular use of the Lotus-light crème will make your face shining like the blossoming lotus.

II. Food supplements :

2.1 Wisdom Light : Universal healing tonic : 100 g

Highly concentrated essences of medicinal herbs (5:1) of the renown trademark (Plum Flower Brand) with the certificate of quality. Whole Body Tonic consist of three essences (Centella asiatica, Siberian Ginseng, Truffle) : balanced formula with beneficial effect on all 12 meridians and 12 inner organs. It has five times stronger effect as only dried herbs on form of pills. Truffle strengthens the energy of kidney (life energy).  Centella rejuvenates the cells in the brain and reduces the stress hormones. This completely natural food supplement does not have any side effects. Regular use is recommended .

Preventive use : 1x full tea spoon (morning). Chronic states : 2×1 full tea spoon (morning, evening). Acute states : 3×1 full tea spoon (morning, midday, evening). Dissolve the tonic in glass of warm water; drink 30 min before taking the food.

2.2.Green power – 100 g organic special tea in powder . Consist of 50 % Sencha green organic tea (Japan) or organic Pu er tea,Taheebo tea, Centella asiatica, Siberian Ginseng. This special tea can be used as in Japanese tea ceremony : 1 full tea spoon of Green Power is mixed glass of boiled water . After 20 min one drinks it slowly with awareness. Rests are also drunk. Therapeutic effects : rejuvenates and strengthens the body , improves resistance to illnesses (immunotonic). We recommend regular use of Green Power in the morning and afternoon.

2.3. Panax Ginseng : 100 g – universal medicine (Panax), also known as divine herb (Ren Shen), in powdered form for daily use. Ginseng root is known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. Therapeutic effects : tonic, stimulant, aphrodisiac , improves immunity of the body, improves blood circulation and functioning of the brain. It affects all 12 meridians and 12 inner organs : regulates blood pressure, regulates blood sugar (very recommended for diabetics); regulates hormonal activity. Indications : nervous  exhaustion, loss of appetite, cold hands and legs, recovery  after surgery and long illness or after child birth ; short term loss of memory , impotence, brain stroke , diabetes, high blood pressure, anaemia, hart palpitations; weak function of adrenal glands, weak immunity, high or low blood pressure, gastritis and other symptoms.

Acute states : bleeding, heart stroke or brain stroke, heart palpitations : 2×3-6 g before food . Panax Ginseng is incompatible with diary products and caffeine and  with soar food.

Preventive use : 1 full tea spoon (2 g) in the morning, before breakfast. Panax ginseng is strong adaptive healing herb : it strengthens your energy against harmful effects of the weather and environment.

Scientifically proven therapeutic effects : reduces the growth of tumours and cancer cells ; stimulates immunity system (it helps to produce interferon and leukocytes); stimulates the activity of liver (synthesis of RNA and DNA and vital proteins); strengthens the hearth muscle thus preventing the hearth stroke ; regulates blood pressure; regulates blood sugar; regulates red blood cells ; regulates central nervous system (stimulates or sedates, as needed ); ant oxidative effects –  neutralises free radicals ; prevents and heals stomach ulcers  . Reduces tiredness – supports circulation of blood in the brain thus improving ability to learn, to memorise , improves clarity of mind and other cognitive functions ; prevents atrophy of adrenal glands ; Protect tissues and blood against harmful effects of radiation, heavy metals, air pollutions and other poisons. Regulates the function og male and female hormones . Heals addiction to alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

2.4. Spirulina platensins : blue/green algs  100g . Protein rich food with low caloric value, recommended for loosing weight. It consist of 71 proteins , 16 carbo hydrates , a lot of vitamins and minerals. It heals anaemia, diabetes, ulcers , some liver disorders and weak eye sight. Recommended use : 2×1 full tea spoon of Spirulina daily.

2.5. Pollen : 100 g Pollen is high quality food supplement. It consist of 7-30 % of proteins with 18 amino acids , among them 7 essential amino acids ! It also has enzymes, lecithin, vitamins B1,B2,B6,B12, C,E,H,P and others; Hormones and 1-7% of minerals. Pollen is the most concentrated and wholesome food. It supports body and mental activity, strengthens body resistance for illnesses, supports building of red blood cells and supports digestion. It heals prostate enlargements . Strengthens eye sight , weakens  the abstinence problems of the illnesses connected with the misuse of alcohol, nicotine and drugs. Strengthens the hair and rejuvenates the skin.

Daily use : 1-2 full spoon of pollen , mix with yoghurt and soy drink.

2.6. Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale 100g Concentrated powder 5:1 (Plum Flower Brand formulae). Dandelion Concentrated Powder is very useful food supplement. Therapeutic effects according to TCM : antidote , antipyretic, reduces swelling and dissolves cloths ; purifies the blood (TCM: clears internal heat). Indications: food poisoning, breast cancer, liver inflammations, kidney or liver stones, tuberculosis . Dandelion concentrated powder effectively removes poisons from the body. Recommended is daily use for purifying the energy and preventing illnesses. Preventive use : 1 full tea spoon daily. Chronic states : 2×1 full tea spoon daily. Acute states : 3×1 full tea spoons daily.

2.7. Gingko Biloba  100g 5 : 1 Concentrated Powder

Gingko is ancient tree growing already before 150 millions ! It also grows at Buddhist temples in China. High quality Concentrated Powder (Plum Flower Brand  Trade Mark) of Gingko Biloba tonifies primordial energy. It is also astringent, sedative, cardio tonic, antidote against poisoning from alcohol. Indications: asthma, tuberculosis, bladder infections, frequent urinations, poisoning.

Scientific proven therapeutic effects : activates blood circulations in the brain and cerebral functions. For such effects one must use Concentrated powder of Gingko Biloba, pills don’t have such effects. Indications: cerebral-vascular insufficiency, migraine, weak memory. Gingko biloba also protects against free radicals ; it especially protects central nervous system and  slows down the process of getting old. It dissolves blood cloths – thus actively protecting against brain stroke and thrombosis. It increases the synthesis of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain. Increases cerebral functions like : learning, memory, clarity of mind. Effectively prevents arteriosclerosis, senility , dementia and broad spectrum of cognitive disorders.

Preventive use : 1x full tea spoon daily, mix with glass of warm water, 30 min before food. Chronic states : 2×1 full tea spoon daily. Acute states : 3×1 full tea spoon daily, before food.

2.8. Centella asiatica : 100 g powder . Chinese name for Centella means “Sky full of stars”. So multifunctional are also its healing properties. Centella is effective whole body tonic for long life, very known among Taoist meditators and Himalayan yogis. It mainly influences the kidney and spleen. Therapeutic effects : it balances the right and left hemisphere of the brain, rejuvenates, diuretic ,strengthens immunity. Indications: hair loss, nervous disorders (including epilepsy and convulsions) ; chronic dermatological disorders , weak memory and learning impairments, mental disorders, recovery after surgery or long illness. Centella is also effective brain tonic. It strengthen the skin and rejuvenate bodily tissues (after inflammations, surgery etc.) Centella is used as blood purifier in Ayurvedic medicine.

Preventive : 2x 1 full tea spoon , before food.

2.9. Soy protein  special : 1000 g

From genetically unmodified soy. One needs 1-2 g of soy protein for every kg of body weight (daily). Check your Body Mass Index (BMI). Send info. About your high , weight and age  and we will send you your BMI together with the purchase of soy protein special. It is very tasty powder for drink with milk or water. Taste : chocolate or vanilla.

2.10. Polycarbonate special  : 1000 g

For gaining weight (for hard gainers, according to sport medicine). Used by too low Body Mass Index and too fast metabolism . Mix four full spoons of polycarbonate with a glass of water, add soy protein , cocoa powder and tea spoon of fruit sugar. Excellent breakfast !

3. Physical activity :

3.1.regular practice of Chi Kung energy workout 2×10 min (morning, afternoon).

Learn how to practice it according to our video .

4. Wholesome vegetarian diet : Go Veg. Be Green. Save the Planet.

4.1.Meat eating causes numerous illnesses. Meat contains a lot of stress hormones because animals feel a lot of fear before they are killed ! Therefore we recommend wholesome vegetarian diet : brown rice, seitan, soy, vitamins and minerals (especially Magnesium). Start to cook with joy according to our recipes (see our Group : Wholesome Medicine).

5.1 Relaxation and meditation : many illnesses have psychosomatic causes – relaxation and meditation is very important for improving health. 51 short Visual Dharmas (videos with scientific descriptions) is our programme of Healing Art . Relaxed viewing of  Visual Dharmas is very helpful for meditations . It is world  wide programme with more than 628.000 views , daily increasing. We promote Life-long learning and Universal education which are some of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of United nations .  In Wellness and Wholesome Medicine Programme we especially recommend viewing and studying these Visual Dharmas : Medicine Buddha Blessings, Avalokiteshvara Buddha of Compassion, Amitabha Buddha of Infinite Light… We teach many effective meditations, in the group or individually.

For orders and donations  for Wholesome Medicine Wellness products and  online consulting write to BuddhaDharma.OBFInternational@gmail.com

With buying our high quality Wellness products you also support charity / Buddhist school for orphan children in Nepal.

✿♥✿♥ Embed Visual Dharma Medicine Buddha Blessings to your web site, as many have already done .

MEDICINE BUDDHA BLESSINGS | Health News13 Jun 2010 … openbuddhistforum. June 13th, 2010 at 07:12. Dear Friend , thank you for favoring MEDICINE BUDDHAS BLESSINGS***** and for your excellent …

MEDICINE BUDDHA BLESSINGS | health-n-fitnesss.com 8 Jul 2010 … Written by openbuddhistforum about 21 hours ago. Dear Friend , thank you for favoring MEDICINE BUDDHAS BLESSINGS***** and for your excellent …

OpenBuddhistForum – Video Search | Barack Obama Videos Tags: openbuddhistforum visualdharma atiyoga Dzogchen soundofdharmata healingart … MEDICINE BUDDHA BLESSINGSopenbuddhistforum visualdharma …
(10:00) Tags: barrackobamavideos.com/video…/OpenBuddhistForum

openbuddhistforum – Natural Alternative Healing Videos Tags: openbuddhistforum visualdharma atiyoga Dzogchen soundofdharmata … INVOKING THE BLESSINGS❤☀ OF MEDICINE BUDDHAS We bow before the Buddha of …

of … D hammapada www.tubee.net/tag/BUDDHIST…MEDICINE/…/page1.html

BUDDHA-DHARMA-OBFI – MySanggha.com —A Community with a Quest—MEDICINE BUDDHA❤☀ BLESSINGS. Length: 10:0 – Rating: 4.988764 (89 ratings) – View: 21256 – Author: openbuddhistforum. INVOKING THE BLESSINGS❤☀ OF …

Medicine Buddha Blessings The mantra, or even the name of the Medicine Buddha (Skt: Bhaisajyaguru, …. Keywords: openbuddhistforum visualdharma buddhiststudies Mahayana Vajrayana …

BUDDHA-DHARMA-OBFI – Staying Young Videos 30 Nov 1999 … INVOKING THE BLESSINGS❤☀ OF MEDICINE BUDDHAS We bow before the Buddha of … Tags: openbuddhistforum visualdharma healingart tantricart …


4.1.Questions and answers ✿♥✿♥


Dear friend in Dharma, this is such a noble intention, to ‘bring all living beings without exception to the state of enlightenment’, but if there are infinite numbers of sentient beings living in infinite world systems, how could this be achieved? Logically we would be working at this (noble) task for Eternity?

@hearts0ngs✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮Dear Friend in the Dharma, we will answer your questions in next alive Dharma Teaching, on Sept 12,2010 , published at buddhadharmaobfinternational.wordpress.com Heritage of Mankind. May all be noble and auspicious in your life ✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮

To bring all living beings without exception to the state of enlightnenment is noble aspiration of the Bodhisattva, connected to the practice/meditations of Bodhicitta of aspiration and of application. This does not mean that Bodhisattva is attached to sentient beings, infinite in number. With the training in wisdom of Voidness (skt. Shunyata)  the Bodhisattva learns to apply the Bodhicitta in every day life, trains in ten perfections or paramitas. As it is said in the sublime sutras : Buddhas does not save sentient beings with their hands. Buddhas show the path toward liberation and enlightenment and it is responsibility of every individual to apply the Teachings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas sin their life. Buddhist Dharma is the greatest Teacher. Time is also an illusion which need to be transcended .OM MANI PADME HUM

photo by Tandin Wangmo


5.1.openbuddhistforum commented on Bhutanese Songs! SAMYE KI SALA

♥ LIFE & LIBERATION OF PADMASAMBHAVA , Canto 65 describes the signs of respect for Samye monastery :”Whoever offers incense to Samye …” more ♥ LIFE & LIBERATION OF PADMASAMBHAVA , Canto 65 describes the signs of respect for Samye monastery :”Whoever offers incense to Samye will awaken attention & obtain great riches.” Thank you for uploading this beautiful song. English translation should be published in description. In Wisdom without borders ✿♥✿♥ ” One of our favorites !

openbuddhistforum favorited a video

Glory of True Love – John Prine

VisualDharmaArt Follow us on Twitter

Il Grande Stupa – http://panoramio.com/photo/30840491BEAUTIFUL PAGODA at Dzogchen community Merigar, Italy

5.2. ✿♥✿♥ Wisdom from around the world : from  subscribers and Friends of Buddha Dharma

Tatyanapianista Italy, on HOLY PLACES OF BUDDHISM ❤☀ Journey toward Enlightenment:

PACE IN TUTTO IL MONDO!!!!!!!!!!Tatyana “@Tatyanapianista (¯`♥´¯) .♥.•*¨`*•♫.•´*.¸.•´♥”

iamearthbornami Ireland on ART OF PEACE ✿♥✿♥ AIKIDO — MARTIAL ARTS: thank you

  • · Draccun Netherlands : Beautiful video ,that Peace may reveal within All. Blessings of Love


  • · openbuddhistforum @Draccun 合気道 Thank you, Arex. With Love in Wisdom without borders 🙂

tokiofujiyamaUnited kingdom– comment on your profile:

Awesome, Sensei.

tokiofujiyama Hi .Thank you for being there.Good to know you.

TheMareStellaPortugal-on AIKIDO 合気道 ✿♥✿♥ ART OF PEACE — MARTIAL ARTS:

Beautiful and instructive video!thanks for sharing.peace for you

asiafelix Thailand 合気道
Aikidō means “the way of harmonizing energy / consciousness (KI)”.
– ai – joining, unifying, combining, fit
– ki – spirit, life energy, mood, morale
– dō – way, path,dharma

Super*****Awesome*****Video!! Thumbs Up!!

Thank you from ♥ Love, peace & light.God bless you, dear Friends

gamermik76 USA Re: AIKIDO – ART OF PEACE Alive Dharma Teaching, Aug 29,2010

very incredible  ·  IsisluvsAmunRa USA

Thanks so much for you video . love&peace. isis.

carilarga Mexico

muchas gracias por este video esta bellisimo;que tu camoino siempre sea de luz divina!!!
NAMASTE  “thank you very much for this video is beautifull, Camoin always be your light divine!”

asiafelix Thailand Re: AIKIDO – ART OF PEACE Alive Dharma Teaching, Aug 29,2010

Thank you my dear friend for all your kindness!!!
I appreciate it.Lots of metta.Yulong

  • · irenemir Netherlands .thank you so much my dear friends of obf ..may the light of this this peace of art shines on many .sarwa mangalam ..blessings my friends ..irene

  • · BrutalTruthMediaMaui USA

i used to do tai chi,and wow,it made me center myself,it was very good at getting me in touch with my chi..

✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮ ✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮ ✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱╮

for your wonderful video! Thank you for sharing.Wish you a Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ good nightƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Warm greetings, Ine

MusikpouwerGermany– peace and love

CCArtinAwareness on AIKIDO 合気道 ✿♥✿♥ ART OF PEACE — MARTIAL ARTS:

Beautiful video…saved to favourites..in Love & Light CC


精彩視頻親愛的朋友〜和平和輕 :))

@IMMORTALTRUTHZ Thank you 🙂 Google translated your message: “Excellent video dear friend ~ peace and light:))


Thank you and a wonderful week too you ~ may your path be filled with much joy and Peace ~ (google translate a great tool) wife half Chinese ~ 我不是好〜和平與統一

  • 1baddadd USA (^_^)

  • · lauredean100 Ireland . Beatuiful a fablous video and music

  • · JanVernerC Norway.Thank you for the work you are doing! Be a star and shine! jvc

“@JanVernerC ♥ Thank you, Jan. So lovely words. All your Friends in Wisdom without borders •*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ`*•.♥.


josnel07 Argentina. Gracias por tu invitacion***♥

johneyreds Grenada Re: AIKIDO-ART OF PEACE Alive Dharma Teaching, Aug 29,2010

thank you my friend am grateful blessing to you.

laefalita Spain – on AIKIDO 合気道 ✿♥✿♥ ART OF PEACE — MARTIAL ARTS:

Bellisimo y excelente video , muchas gracias por compartirlo , todas mis puntuaciones , maravillosos y felices dias

vivavoce83 Phillipines *****s!TY for sharing my friend! may you blessed forevermore!
love, Lynne @vivavoce83
♥ Dear Lynne, may the ART OF PEACE be always with you.

Wisdom without borders from all your friends  at Buddha Dharma

Josean1955 Spain Gracias por compartir un vídeo conmigo en YouTube, ha sido una idea excelente y a la vez interesante, espero que pases un feliz dia.

“Thanks for sharing with me a video on YouTube, has been an excellent idea, yet interesting, I hope you spend a happy day.”

KernowKopia United Kingdom : aikido art of peace

thank you .. we liked this very much ..many blessings

WhirlingRainbow4168 United kingdom Re: ♥ GIFT FOR NEW SUBSCRIBER OF BUDDHA DHARMA Thank you so much for your welcome.
My friend sent me your lovely Aikido video and I was extremely happy to see some of O Sensei’s teachings being sent out to the World in this way.
I was a practising Aikidoka (Setsudo Ki Aikido) for a long time, but now I have moved there are no Senseis teaching Ki Aikido near to me. This does not stop me practising in my own way however.
May your path be beautiful and your messages of peace and love spread to all.
With love and Peace,Whirling Rainbow.

ubbudha “AIKIDO 合気道 ♥ ART OF PEACE — MARTIAL ARTS” Thank you for sharing this great video! Namaste

Susanna129: Canada. Outstanding video…Thank you…5* ~ Zuzanna

verawatywijayaIndonesia.    Thank you for sharing, Namaste _/\_

  • · TatyanapianistaItaly. Bellissimo video!!!!!!Pace in tutto il mondo!!!!!Tatyana

Watchyou2008 USA.Very Beautiful & Great Creation! Wonderful video, my friend,

Thanks for share, love it! ”  @Watchyou2008 ♥ Thank you, Annie.
Yours in Wisdom without borders Ƹ̵̡Ӝ

DrMickaelleDougherty USA.  Mahalo. ღ♥

hpsapphire915: USA

This is SO AWESOME!!! Loved it! It’s SO incredibly calming too; this would be a good way to relax tension or any sort of anger. 🙂 But anyway, thanks for sharing this with me! GOD Bless!

hpsapphire915 Hey, thanks for the invite; my friend! I truly appreciate it! ;D You have such a Wonderful channel by the way! I absolutely Love your background too! 🙂 GOD Bless you!

OroyaPeruviana Polland .Beatuiful video..

@OroyaPeruviana ✿♥✿♥ OM SVASTI•*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ`*•.♥. Thank you, Maria. Your videos are also very beautiful . In Wisdom without borders

encuentratusalud Mexico . Bonita música para tener de fondo mientras trabajo. No mientras medito, pero mejor que tanta basura por ahí circulando

AVALOKITESHVARA ❤☀ BUDDHA OF COMPASSION Nice to have background music while I work. Not while I meditate, but better than so much garbage out there circulating

@encuentratusalud ” Nice to have background music while I work. Not while I meditate, but better than so much garbage out there circulating” This translation comes from Google 🙂 This Visual Dharma gives detailed instruction on Avalokiteshvara Buddha of compassion. OM MANI PADME HUM

peoplestandup Canada

Hi great channel with powerful information thank you! Awesome background

nutier France .very nice video that I like ! It was so peaceful music song . Thank you for sharing .

  • inousch Netherlands.✿⊱╮✿⊱╮✿⊱for your wonderful video!Wish you a Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ good evening Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Warm greetings, Ine

  • · marcdruten Netherlands Awesome :-)· meishivom Canada Thanks for the video, it’s COOL !

hpsapphire915 USA . Re: Gift for new subscriber

Wow! Thanks for all that information you sent me, I’ll have to check it out in a little bit. 😀 I truly appreciate that, my friend! ;D . GOD Bless, Harmony

nugo444 Russia. Re:AIKIDO – ART OF PEACE Alive Dharma Teaching, Aug 29,2010

10***classic -(mariam ciklauri)

  • · ludmila777 Bulgaria. Thank you for this great share!***** Blessings:)

PazMusics: Japan. This is a wonderful video.
Thanks for sharing, and it would be great to see more.Thank you.

“@PazMusics ♥ Thank you for positive feedback. And kind Greeting to Japan, in Wisdom without borders 🙂 ♥ “

kathmandau:USA .  Thank you. blessings, CG

Waynetoven: Canada . Thank you for sharing! Wonderful work!

saveburmanowsfUSA on  profile:thanks so much for your comment and support
may the path to buddha be unobstructed

openbuddhistforum commented on Michio Hikitsuchi at 1983 All – japan Demonstration

“”The Way of the Warrior
can not be encompassed
by words or in letters :
grasp the essence
and move on toward realisation.”
Sensei Morihei U…”
more “”The Way of the Warrior can not be encompassed by words or in letters :
grasp the essence and move on toward realisation.”
Sensei Morihei Ueshiba: ART OF PEACE
Thank you for this wonderful video. “

byblostat Greece– on VAJRASATTVA MEDITATION ❤☀ 100-SYLLABLE MANTRA-AYANG RINPOCHE: i am a very lucky person because i meet AYANG RINPOCHE,AND I FELT HIS POWER!!!!

SHAOLINDYUNA123USA-has posted a comment on your profile:

thank you for the enlightening videos 🙂 happy to see you here on youtube

Thanks for blessing my youtube page with your words and videos of peace 🙂

ste6666666 United kingdom-on HOLY PLACES OF BUDDHISM ❤☀ Journey toward Enlightenment: Beautiful thank-you for the gift. Love and peace, stephen ward



25 Dec 2009 milleniumgoalsBUDDHA DHARMA OBF International *Dialogues & Ars sacra for world peace :Directed by ven. Mangala Konchok Norbu, Lama Tara

Videos – Candle4Burma

DIALOGUES & ARS SACRA FOR WORLD PEACE There are many paths leading to the summit of Mount Fuji… Tags: sacra, world Lama Tara Tulku Drimed Drolkhar Jan 9 14

DIALOGUES & ARS SACRA FOR WORLD PEACE – アジア videos – by アジア動画

アジア動画. 追加日: 投稿者: 時間: : チャンネル: タグ: Rating: ( ratings) 再生回数: コメント: 動画検索. キーワード検索. 人気キーワード

जीपी कोईराला नहीं रहे – Worldnews.comSensei Morihei Ueshiba The Art of Peace DIALOGUES & ARS SACRA FOR WORLD PEACE is contemplative Visual document of 6 symphosiums and a lecture prepared by …

the dialogues mp3 – Rapidshare Search – (72 files)Six symphosiums were accompanied with ARS SACRA — Contemplative Art of the Dialogues, including prayers for world peace. Seven-line Prayer to Buddha …

US Embassy Australia 26 Apr 2010 … DIALOGUES & ARS SACRA FOR WORLD PEACE There are many paths leading to the summit of Mount Fuji But there is only one top : L ove . …

VII. Colophon ✿♥✿♥ BUDDHA DHARMA – OBF INTERNATIONAL Generally beneficial religious org. since 1995 registered in Slovenia, EU. Web sites : www.youtube.com/OpenBuddhistForum www.MySpace.com/BuddhaDharma_OBFI blog, Dharma art photowww.buddhadharmaobfinternational.wordpress.com Heritage of mankind – Treasure of pure Dharma , links to Wikipedia and related photos. Serving, upholding and protecting the teachings of Buddhas by promoting ten enlightened activities as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni and His emanation Buddha Padmasambhava; promoting Millenium goals of United nations : Universal education ,Gender equality and empowerment of women www.un.org.millenniumgoals

Her Eminence Lama Tara Tulku Drimed Drolkhar Rinpoche Nyingma Vajrayana Atiyoga Ling, EU * Continuing the Nyingma Vajrayana Atiyoga Dzogpa Chenpo Essence lineage of Ayu Khandro Tsewang Dorje Paldron (Tibet 1839-1953)

Dharma Counselling, Astrological Consulting, Buddhist Wholesome Medicine: Wellness & Health  :Skype : Tara Tulku Rinpoche.    Member of social networks :

www.Candle4Burma.ning.com,     www.Plaxo.com/TaraTulkuRinpoche

His Eminence Lama Karma Gyan Sagar Rinpoche, Association for non-violence, world peace, wheel, Buddhist religion in Nepal(monastery, Buddhist school for orphan children, peace pagoda, Dechen Ling gompa, three-year meditation retreat)*****Dharma assistant : Khenpo Pema Sampa Lama

Shifu John Chow : Martial arts: Vajra Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chuan, Yellow bamboo training, Arnis Eskrima;  TCM  Healing, Dharma;   Australia

www.Facebook.com/JohnChow www.Twitter.com/JohnChow

www.youtube.com/JohnChow www.yellowbamboo.hk.com

Venerable Mangala Konchok Norbu, Dharma art director, Buddha Dharma, European Union www.uvs.gov.si registered  Churches and religious Communities



Comments on: "✿♥ WELLNESS & WHOLESOME MEDICINE ✿♥" (42)

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